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Category: Mental and Physical Health

Jul 25
How Often Do Horses Need Their Teeth Floated?

Ever wondered why your steed seems grumpy or drops more food than it eats? It might be time for a dental check-up.  Floating teeth isn’t just a fancy term; it’s a crucial part of horse care. Sharp points and uneven surfaces can make eating a painful chore for your horse.  Curious about how often this […]

Jul 23
What Are Wolf Teeth in Horses

When you think about horse teeth, wolf teeth probably aren’t the first thing that comes to mind. But these tiny, often troublesome teeth can cause quite a stir in a horse’s mouth.  Ever wondered what they are or why they matter? Let’s dive into the world of wolf teeth.  We’ll uncover what they are, why […]

Jul 22
Do Horses Sweat?

Have you ever wondered if horses sweat? Spoiler alert: they do. But it’s not just any sweat.  Horse sweat is a fascinating mix of biology and equine magic. It cools them down, moistens their skin, and even helps them show off during a hard ride.  In this blog, we’ll dive into the hows and whys […]

Jul 19
Horse Leg Anatomy

Horse legs are marvels of nature. They’re strong, agile, and incredibly complex. Knowing your horse leg anatomy can help you care for them better.  We’ll dive into each part, from shoulder to hoof. You’ll learn what makes them tick and how to spot issues early.  This isn’t just for vets; every horse lover should know […]

Jul 18
How Often Do You Deworm a Horse?

Deworming your horse is more than just a chore; it’s a must for their health. But how often should you do it?  Once a month? Every season? It can be confusing. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.  This blog will tell you all you need to know about deworming schedules. It is short, sweet, and […]

Jul 17
How Do Horses Show Affection?

Horses have their sweet ways of showing affection. They don’t wag tails or purr, but their gestures are just as heartwarming.  From gentle nudges to soft whinnies, horses speak the language of love in unique ways. Ever noticed a horse nuzzling your hand or resting its head on your shoulder? That’s horse talk for “I […]

Jul 16
How Long Can a Horse Live With EPM?

EPM, or Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis, sounds like a mouthful, right? But if you own a horse, you need to know about it.  How long can a horse live with EPM? That’s the big question. The answer isn’t simple, but don’t worry—we’ll break it down.  From symptoms to treatment and everything in between, we’ve got the […]

Jul 15
How Big Are Horse Lungs?

Ever wondered how big horse lungs are? You’re about to find out.  Horse lungs are key to their stamina and strength. These incredible organs work overtime, pumping air and fueling their powerful muscles.  Curious to learn more? Let’s dive into the fascinating world of horse lungs and uncover the secrets behind their impressive size. Let’s […]

Jul 12
How Often Do Mares Go Into Heat?

Ever wondered how often your mare goes into heat? You’re not alone.  Understanding your mare’s estrous cycle can be a game-changer. It’s like knowing when your favorite TV show is on – you’re prepared for what’s coming.  Mares go into heat every three weeks, but there’s more to it than just the numbers. In this […]

Jul 08
Parts of a Horse: Horse Anatomy

Ever wondered what makes horses so powerful and graceful? Let’s break it down. We’ll explore every part of a horse’s body, from the tips of their ears to the ends of their hooves. Why do their ears twitch? How do their legs support such speed and strength? We’ll cover it all in simple, fun terms.  […]