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Category: Mental and Physical Health

Apr 16
Equine Chiropractors

In the gentle hands of equine chiropractors, horses find relief and rejuvenation. These professionals are not just healers but artists of the musculoskeletal system. They literally lend a helping hand to horses, helping them move better and feel great. It’s a game-changer for competition horses and any horse that trots, gallops, or enjoys a leisurely […]

Apr 16
What is Colic in Horses

Colic in horses is more than just an upset stomach. It’s a serious condition that can turn critical if not addressed promptly. Every horse owner dreads the possibility, yet it’s crucial to recognize the signs and understand the underlying causes. In this blog, we dive deep into the world of equine colic. We’ll explore what […]

Apr 05
How Much Do Clydesdales Weigh?

When we think of Clydesdales, we picture giants. These horses are not just big; they’re iconic, thanks to their size, strength, and gentle nature.  But have you ever wondered, how much do Clydesdales weigh? Knowing their weight is not just about satisfying curiosity. It’s crucial for their care, health, and the jobs they do.  Whether […]

Mar 21
Why Do Horses Eat Poop or Manure

You might witness a curious and somewhat unsettling act: a horse eating poop. This behavior, known as coprophagia, might prompt a mix of surprise, curiosity, and a slight feeling of disgust.  Yet, it’s not as uncommon among horses as one might think. But the burning question remains: Why do horses eat poop or manure? In […]

Mar 21
How to Treat Strangles in Horses

Strangles in horses is a term that can send shivers down the spine of any horse owner. It’s a condition marked by alarming symptoms.  Yet, understanding and tackling this highly contagious infection is not just possible. It’s the responsibility of those who care deeply for these magnificent animals.  In this guide, “How to treat strangles […]

Mar 20
Do Horse Shoes Hurt Horses

Do horse shoes hurt? This is a question that tickles the minds of many. It seems like a simple query, yet it goes deep into the heart of equine care and welfare. In this exploration, we’re saddling up to dive hoof-first into the world of horse shoeing.  Imagine the horse hoof as a marvel of […]

Mar 20
Horse Skin Conditions and Diseases

Picture this: a sunny day, you’re out with your four-legged friend, and life’s good. But then, you spot something—a rash, a bump, maybe a patch of hair that’s gone AWOL. Yikes, right? But hang tight. We’re about to dive into the nitty-gritty of horse skin conditions and diseases. No need for long faces or getting […]

Mar 18
Why Do Horses Roll?

Have you ever caught a horse rolling on the ground, legs flailing in the air, and wondered what on earth prompted this display? This peculiar behavior is common in fields and stables around the world.  But it’s not just horses being horses; there’s a whole world of reasons behind this earthy ritual. Rolling is to […]

Mar 13
How to Build a Horse’s Topline

Let’s dive into a story not often told, but seen in the graceful arch of a horse moving across a field, its muscles rippling like water over stones. This tale is about building a topline. It’s about strength, yes, but also about health, about the silent conversations between horse and rider. Building a topline isn’t […]

Mar 11
Do Horses Like Music?

Have you ever caught yourself humming a tune while working around horses and wondered if they enjoyed the concert? It’s not just you.  The question of whether horses appreciate a good beat or melody is more common than you might think. Picture this: a stable, serene, and silent, suddenly filled with the sound of music.  […]