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Can Horses Eat Celery?

Can Horses Eat Celery

Ever caught yourself munching on celery sticks and wondered if you could share some with your horse? Well, you’re not alone. 

Today, we’re diving into the crunchy world of celery to see if it fits our equine friends. We’ll explore the nutritional benefits of celery, how it can fit into a horse’s diet, and whether it’s a safe snack or a no-go. 

We’ll also give you some handy tips on introducing this veggie to your horse. Curious to find out more? Let’s investigate the details and discover if celery is a good horse treat.

Can Horses Eat Celery?

Yes, horses can eat celery. It’s actually a healthy snack for them, low in calories and packed with important nutrients like vitamins and minerals. 

But, like introducing any new food, it should be done carefully. Start with small amounts to ensure your horse has no negative reactions. 

Also, chop it up into small pieces to prevent any choking hazards. Celery can be a refreshing, crunchy treat for your horse, especially on a hot day. 

Remember, moderation is key, and always keep your vet in the loop when changing your horse’s diet.

Is Celery Toxic to Horses?

No, celery is not toxic to horses. In fact, it’s safe for them to eat when given in proper amounts. However, you must introduce it slowly into their diet and make sure it’s chopped into small pieces to avoid choking risks. 

Like any treat, it’s best to keep celery as a treat, not a main part of their diet. Always talk with your vet if you’re considering adding new foods to your horse’s routine.

Can Horses Eat Celery Leaves?

Yes, horses can eat celery leaves. Like the stalks, the leaves are safe and can be a nutritious addition to their diet. They are rich in vitamins and provide a good source of fiber. 

However, as with any new food item, introduce celery leaves gradually to your horse’s diet to ensure they don’t cause any digestive upset. Always start with small amounts and observe how your horse reacts before making it a regular treat.

Can Horses Take Celery Juice?

Yes, horses can take celery juice. However, not common or recommended as part of their regular diet. While celery juice is safe and can offer some hydration and nutrients, it lacks the fiber horses need for digestion. 

If you offer celery juice, it should be in small quantities to avoid potential issues like an upset stomach. Always consult your vet before adding celery juice to your horse’s diet.

Can Horses Eat Celery Stalks?

Yes, horses can eat celery stalks. They’re safe and can be a healthy snack. Just chop them into small pieces to make sure your horse can chew them easily and to prevent any risk of choking. 

Like any new treat, introduce celery stalks slowly to see how your horse reacts. If all goes well, they can enjoy this crunchy snack in moderation. 

Always watch their diet and chat with your vet if you’re making big changes.

Can Horses Eat Celery Seeds?

Yes, horses can eat celery seeds, but in very small amounts. Celery seeds have anti-inflammatory properties but are potent and should be given cautiously. 

Too many celery seeds can upset horses’ stomachs. To introduce celery seeds into your horse’s diet, it is best to start with a tiny amount and see how they handle it. 

Always consult your vet first to ensure it suits your specific horse.

How Much Celery Should Horses Feed on?

When it comes to feeding celery to horses, moderation is key. Think of celery as a treat, not a main part of their diet. 

A good rule of thumb is to offer a few small pieces of celery a couple of times a week. This can vary based on the horse’s size, age, and overall health.

Remember, too much of anything can upset their digestive balance, so start slow and watch how your horse reacts.

What Happens if a Horse Eats Too Much Celery?

If a horse eats too much celery, it could run into a few issues. While celery is safe in moderation, overdoing it can lead to stomach upset in horses. 

This might show up as diarrhea or colic, which is abdominal pain that can be quite serious. Because celery is very low in calories, eating a lot of it could also mean your horse isn’t getting enough energy from its regular diet. 

Always keep celery as a small, occasional treat and stick to the basics of their diet to keep them healthy and happy.

Benefits of Feeding Celery to Horses

Feeding celery to horses comes with a few perks. First, it’s a great low-calorie treat, perfect for horses that need to watch their weight. 

Celery is also full of water, which helps keep horses hydrated, especially on hot days or after a workout. Plus, it has vitamins and minerals that support overall health. It can also provide some variety in their diet, which is always nice. 

Remember to introduce it slowly and in small amounts as part of a balanced diet. This way, you can enjoy the benefits without any downsides.

Nutritional Content of Celery

Here’s a table outlining the nutritional content of celery per 100 grams:

Calories16 kcal
Water95 g
Protein0.7 g
Total Fat0.2 g
Carbohydrates3 g
Dietary Fiber1.6 g
Sugars1.34 g
Vitamin A22 µg
Vitamin C3.1 mg
Vitamin K29.3 µg
Folate (B9)36 µg
Potassium260 mg
Calcium40 mg
Magnesium11 mg
Phosphorus24 mg

How to Feed Celery to Horses

Feeding celery to horses is pretty straightforward. 

First, wash the celery to remove any pesticides or dirt. Then, cut it into small, bite-sized pieces to prevent any risk of choking. 

When introducing celery to your horse, start with a few pieces to see how they react. You can make it a regular treat if they enjoy it and don’t show any digestive upset. 

Remember, celery should only be a small part of their overall diet. Mixing it up with other treats is a good idea and always consult your vet if you’re unsure about new food. 

This way, you keep things safe and enjoyable for your horse.

How to Prepare Celery for Horses

Preparing celery for horses is simple and quick. Here’s how you do it: 

First, wash the celery well to remove any dirt or chemicals. Then, chop the celery into small pieces. 

Make them the size of the treats you’d normally feed your horse. This helps prevent any choking hazards. 

Once it’s all chopped up, you can hand-feed a few pieces to your horse as a treat. Always start with a small amount to ensure they like it, and it agrees with their stomach. 

That’s all there is to it. Just remember, celery is a treat, not a main part of their diet.

Risks of Feeding Celery to Horses

Feeding celery to horses is generally safe, but there are a few risks. 

First, too much celery can cause digestive issues like diarrhea. It’s low in calories, so it shouldn’t replace the more nutritious parts of their diet. 

Also, if not chopped into small, manageable pieces, celery strings can be a choking hazard. Always introduce celery slowly into your horse’s diet to see how they handle it, and avoid feeding large amounts at once. 

Taking these precautions allows you to enjoy giving celery as a treat without worry.

Good Vegetables for Horses

Horses can safely enjoy a variety of vegetables as part of a balanced diet. Here are some good choices:

  • Carrots – A favorite treat for many horses, rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Pumpkin – Great for digestion, but should be fed in moderation and without any spices or additives.
  • Celery – Good for hydration due to its high water content.
  • Cucumber – Another hydrating vegetable that’s low in sugar.
  • Lettuce – Mostly water, it’s a good low-calorie snack with minimal nutritional value.
  • Beetroot – Can be fed raw or cooked; great for antioxidants but should be given in small amounts to avoid too much sugar.
  • Peas – Fine in moderation, either fresh or frozen.
  • Turnips – Nutritious but should be fed in moderation due to their higher sugar and starch content.
  • Squash – Various types of squash can be a healthy snack for horses.

Vegetables that are not Good for Horses

While many vegetables are safe for horses, several should be avoided due to potential health risks. Here’s a list of vegetables that are not good for horses:

  • Onions and garlic – These can cause anemia by destroying red blood cells.
  • Potatoes – Members of the nightshade family, raw potatoes contain solanine, which is toxic to horses.
  • Tomatoes – Also part of the nightshade family, tomatoes are toxic to horses.
  • Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower – While not necessarily toxic, these can cause gas and lead to colic if fed in large amounts.
  • Avocado – Contains persin, which is toxic to many animals, including horses.
  • Rhubarb – Contains oxalates, which can cause kidney failure and other serious health issues in horses.

Can Horses with Gastric Ulcers Eat Celery?

Yes, horses with gastric ulcers can eat celery. In fact, celery can be a good choice because it’s low in sugar and water content, making it gentle on the stomach. 

However, feed celery in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. Since horses with ulcers can have sensitive digestive systems, slowly introducing new food is key to avoiding discomfort. 

Always chop the celery into small, manageable pieces to make it easy for your horse to eat and digest. And, as always, consult with your vet before making any changes to a horse’s diet with health issues like gastric ulcers. 

Can Horses with Metabolic Issues Eat Celery?

Yes, horses with metabolic issues can eat celery. It’s a good choice because it’s low in sugar and calories, which is important for managing these conditions. 

Celery also provides a nice crunch and hydration, which is beneficial. However, like any dietary changes for horses with health concerns, introduce celery slowly and in small amounts. 

This helps ensure it doesn’t upset their system or interfere with their dietary needs. Always consult your vet before adding new foods to a horse’s diet with metabolic issues.

Can Horses with Laminitis Eat Celery?

Yes, horses with laminitis can eat celery. It’s a suitable snack because it’s low in sugar and starch, crucial for managing laminitis. 

Celery also offers hydration and a bit of fiber without adding too many calories to the diet. When feeding a horse with laminitis, keep portions small and introduce any new food gradually. This helps ensure it doesn’t cause any digestive upset or exacerbate their condition. 

Horses that Shouldn’t Eat Celery

While most horses can safely eat celery as a treat, there are a few situations where you might want to avoid it. If your horse has a history of severe allergies or unusual reactions to specific foods, it’s best to steer clear until you check with your vet. 

Also, horses with certain dental issues might find celery’s crunchy texture hard to chew. This could cause discomfort or further dental harm. 

When introducing new snacks, always watch out for signs of choking or difficulty eating. When in doubt, chat with your vet to ensure celery is a safe choice for your horse.


Can a horse eat zucchini?

Yes, a horse can eat zucchini. It’s safe and nutritious, offering hydration and vitamins without too much sugar. Feed it in moderation and cut it into appropriate sizes to avoid choking hazards.

Can a horse eat pumpkin?

Yes, a horse can eat pumpkin. It’s beneficial for its nutritional value and fiber content. Ensure it’s plain and free from any spices or additives, and it’s often best to serve it cooked to make it easier for the horse to digest.
Read also: Can a horse eat pumpkin?


So, can horses eat celery? Absolutely. It’s a crunchy, hydrating snack that can add variety to your horse’s diet. 

Remember to introduce it slowly and chop it into small pieces to avoid choking hazards. Like any treat, celery should be given in moderation and always alongside their regular diet. 

Chat with your vet if you’re unsure or your horse has specific dietary needs. They can give you the best advice for keeping your horse healthy and happy. 

So next time you’re crunching on some celery, feel free to toss a few pieces your horse’s way— they might just thank you with a happy nicker.

Picture of Dr. Noman Tariq

Dr. Noman Tariq

Dr. Noman Tariq, a seasoned veterinarian with a DVM from ARID University and an MPhil in Animal Nutrition from UVAS, specializes in equine health. His deep passion for horse nutrition and well-being drives his work, offering invaluable advice for horse owners. Dr. Tariq's expertise ensures horses lead vibrant, healthy lives.
You can read my full bio here

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Can Horses Eat Celery?