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Category: Equipment, Feed & Supplies

Apr 22
Hackamore Bridle

Imagine you could speak to your horse in a language they naturally understand. That’s the magic of the hackamore bridle, a remarkable tool that swaps metal bits for gentle cues.  Rooted in centuries-old traditions, the hackamore is more than just equipment. It’s a testament to trust and understanding between rider and horse.  Whether you’re a […]

Apr 15
Microchipping Horses

Imagine a world where every lost horse finds its way back home. Where identifying and safeguarding your equine friend is as simple as scanning a chip.  Welcome to the revolutionary practice of microchipping horses. This is a tiny technology making a massive impact in the equine world.  In this blog, we’ll dive into the nuts […]

Apr 12
Best Saddle Soap

Welcome to the ultimate guide on finding the best saddle soap for your leather goods. Whether you’re a horse enthusiast looking to spruce up your tack or just want to take good care of your leather items, you’re in the right place.  Saddle soap has been a secret weapon for maintaining leather’s charm and durability […]

Apr 11
How to Clean a Saddle

Welcome to the art of saddle care. Picture this: a shiny, well-maintained saddle that not only looks great but also ensures a comfortable ride.  Cleaning your saddle is more than just a chore. It’s a ritual that enhances your connection with your horse. Whether you’re a seasoned equestrian or just starting out, mastering the art […]

Apr 11
How Much is a Hay Bale

Welcome to the world of hay. It’s not just about feeding animals; it’s about making smart choices.  Hay is a staple in the barn, but its cost can vary widely. Why is that? What makes one bale pricier than another? This blog “How much is a hay bale”, aims at answering all your questions. From […]

Apr 11
Haylage vs Hay

Are you a farmer or livestock owner? If so, you know the importance of choosing the right feed. It can make all the difference in your animals’ health and productivity.  Today, we’re diving into the world of haylage and hay. What are they? How do they differ? And most importantly, which one is the best […]

Apr 05
Types of Saddles

Step into the world of saddles, a place where every curve and stitch plays a part in the dance between horse and rider. Here, saddles are more than just a seat. They’re key to unlocking the full potential of your ride, whether you’re chasing the horizon in the wild or gliding in an arena.  From […]

Apr 04
How Much Does a Saddle Weigh?

Every journey on horseback starts with two essentials: a rider and a saddle. But there’s a crucial detail often glossed over in the excitement of the ride – the weight of the saddle itself.  Why does it matter, you ask? The answer weaves through the heart of horseback riding, touching on the comfort of your […]

Mar 19
Horseback Riding Equipment List

The harmony between the rider and the is more than skill alone. It’s grounded in the gear that binds humans to beasts.  This isn’t just about saddles and reins. It’s about crafting a bond, ensuring safety, and embracing the joy that comes from a ride well-ridden.  From the essential helmet that promises protection to the […]

Mar 08
Hoof Boots for Trail Riding

Believe it or not, over 60% of trail riding injuries can be traced back to poor hoof protection. After testing 6 products, I’ve concluded that the Cavallo Simple Hoof Boot stands out as the premier choice for trail riding. As an avid equestrian, I’ve experienced firsthand the challenges and demands placed on horse hooves. My […]