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How Often Do Horses Need New Shoes?

How Often Do Horses Need New Shoes

Have you ever wondered how often horses need new shoes? It’s not like they can just pop into the nearest store and pick out a fresh pair.

Horseshoes are vital for protecting a horse’s hooves from wear and tear. Just like your shoes keep your feet safe and comfortable, horseshoes do the same for horses. 

Whether they’re galloping on hard surfaces or trotting through soft soil, their shoes need regular checks and changes. If you’re curious about how this works and why it’s so crucial, you’ve come to the right place. 

Let’s dive into the world of horseshoes and find out how often our hoofed friends need a shoe swap.

How Often Do Horses Need New Shoes?

Horses need new shoes every four to six weeks. Why so often? Well, their hooves grow continuously, just like your fingernails. As they grow, the shoes don’t fit as well anymore. 

Plus, just like the soles of your sneakers wear out, horseshoes get worn down too. They need to be in good shape to protect the horse’s hooves from rocks, pavement, and other rough surfaces. 

Whether your horse is a backyard buddy or a show jumper, regular shoeing keeps them happy and healthy on their feet.

Hoof Growth Cycle

The hoof growth cycle is pretty straightforward. Think of it like how your hair grows. 

A horse’s hooves keep growing all the time, at about a quarter of an inch each month. That’s why regular trims and checks are a must.

Just like your hair might split or break if you don’t take care of it, a horse’s hooves can also run into trouble without proper maintenance. They need to be trimmed and kept in good shape to prevent cracking or splitting, which can be painful and harmful to the horse.

The whole idea is to keep those hooves strong and healthy so the horse can move comfortably. 

Do Horses Need Shoes?

Yes, many horses need shoes, but it depends on several factors.

Horses that are active often need shoes to protect their hooves from excessive wear and provide better traction on various terrains. Similarly, horses living in environments with rocky or hard surfaces benefit from the protection that shoes offer against hoof damage. 

However, not all horses require shoes. Those that are less active or live on softer terrains may be perfectly healthy without them. 

Whether a horse should wear shoes is determined by its specific activities, environment, and the condition of its hooves.

Basics of Horseshoeing

Horseshoeing is like giving a horse a new pair of boots that fit just right. It starts with a farrier, a specialist who knows all about horse hooves. 

First, the farrier trims and shapes the hooves. This is like clipping and filing your nails to make sure they’re even and healthy.

Next, the farrier picks the right shoes for the job. There are different kinds of shoes for different activities. 

The shoes are made of metal and sometimes other materials like rubber, depending on what the horse needs.

Then, the farrier nails the shoes to the hooves. But don’t worry—it doesn’t hurt the horse. Their hooves are tough, like the tips of your toenails. The shoes help protect the hooves from getting worn out or cracked when the horse is out walking or running around.

So, that’s the basics: trim, shape, choose the shoe, and nail it on. It keeps the horses happy on their feet and ready to go.

Related read: Do horse shoes hurt horses?

Why Do Horses Wear Shoes?

Horses wear shoes for several good reasons. Here are some of them:

Protection. The most basic reason horses wear shoes is to protect their hooves. Think about walking barefoot on a rocky path—that would be tough, right? It’s the same for horses. Their hooves can easily get bruised or cracked from rocks, hard ground, and other rough surfaces without shoes.

Traction. Shoes help horses get better grip. On soft ground, like mud or grass, horseshoes can help prevent slipping. For horses that work or perform, like racehorses or show jumpers, specific shoes can provide the right kind of traction for their sport.

Corrective purposes. Some horses have hoof or leg issues that can be corrected or helped with special shoes. For instance, if a horse’s hooves don’t wear evenly, shoes can help balance them out. This is similar to how some people need orthotics to help align their feet.

Durability. Horses’ hooves wear down from use, and shoes help slow down this wear. This is important for working horses whose hooves are under more stress from carrying loads or pulling weight.

Performance enhancement. Different shoes can enhance a horse’s performance in various disciplines. Racing horses, for instance, might wear lighter shoes to run faster, while trail horses have sturdier shoes.

Pros and Cons of Shoeing a Horse

Shoeing a horse can provide many benefits but also has some drawbacks. Here are the pros and cons:


  1. Shoes protect the hooves from wear, tear, and damage due to hard, rocky, or abrasive surfaces.
  2. Shoes enhance grip and stability, especially on slippery surfaces, which helps prevent slips and falls.
  3. Specialized shoes can provide extra support to horses with hoof or leg problems, helping to correct structural issues and improve comfort.
  4. Shoes can improve a horse’s performance in various activities. These include racing, jumping, or trekking, by providing better traction and reducing fatigue.
  5. Shoes can help maintain hoof shape and integrity, especially in horses that have weak or brittle hooves.


  1. Regular shoeing can be expensive, as it requires a skilled farrier every 4-6 weeks.
  2. Poorly fitted shoes or mistakes in the shoeing process can cause hoof damage, pain, and other musculoskeletal issues.
  3. Once a horse starts wearing shoes, its hooves can become dependent on them leading to weaker hooves.
  4. Horseshoes require regular maintenance and checks. If a shoe is lost or becomes loose, it needs to be addressed immediately to avoid hoof damage.

Importance of Reshoeing Horses

Reshoeing is not just about replacing old shoes but is an integral part of a horse’s routine care. Here’s why reshoeing is so important:

Hoof growth management. Horse hooves grow continuously, similar to human nails. As they grow, the shape of the hoof changes, which can alter the fit of the horseshoe. Regular reshoeing ensures that shoes fit properly to keep the hooves in good shape.

Prevent injury. Ill-fitting shoes can cause discomfort and may lead to injuries. As hooves grow and wear down, the nails holding the shoes can become loose, increasing the risk of the shoe falling off or shifting. A shifted shoe can lead to uneven weight distribution, which might cause strain on ligaments, tendons, and joints.

Maintain traction and protection. Shoes provide traction and protect the hooves from harsh surfaces. Reshoeing is necessary to replace worn-down shoes that no longer offer adequate protection or traction.

Corrective shoeing. For horses with hoof or limb abnormalities, reshoeing helps to maintain the corrective balance. Regular adjustments to the shoes can help manage or correct these issues over time.

Enhanced performance. In performance horses reshoeing is vital to maintain peak condition. Properly fitting shoes ensure optimal performance by providing the necessary support and traction.

Comfort. Regular reshoeing helps to keep the hooves well-trimmed and the shoes well-fitted. This enhances comfort and prevents pain that can arise from poorly fitted or worn-out shoes.

Factors Influencing Shoeing Frequency

The frequency at which a horse needs new shoes isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation. Several factors come into play:

Hoof growth rate. Just like people’s hair grows at different rates, so do horses’ hooves. Typically, hooves grow about a quarter of an inch per month, but this can vary. Faster-growing hooves might need more frequent shoeing.

Activity level. What the horse does on a daily basis really matters. A horse that competes or trains heavily will wear out shoes faster than a leisure horse. More work means more shoe wear.

Terrain. The type of ground a horse walks on affects how quickly shoes wear out. Rocky, hard, or abrasive surfaces will wear down shoes faster than soft, sandy, or muddy terrain.

Type of shoes. Different materials and designs of horseshoes last differently under various conditions. Steel shoes might last longer than aluminum ones, for instance.

Seasonal changes. Weather and seasons can influence hoof growth and shoe wear. In some horses, hooves grow faster in the summer due to better blood circulation and more movement.

Horse’s age and health. Younger and more active horses might need reshoeing more often, while older horses or those with certain health conditions might have different needs.

Read also: How do wild horses trim their hooves?

Signs That It’s Time for New Shoes

Knowing when it’s time to get new shoes for a horse is key to maintaining their hoof health and overall well-being. Here are some clear signs that indicate it’s time for a shoe change:

Worn down shoes. If the shoes look visibly thin, bent, or worn out, it’s time to replace them. Shoes that have lost their shape or tread can’t provide the necessary protection or traction.

Loose shoes. When horseshoes start to become loose, they can clank or even shift on the hoof. This is a clear sign that they’re no longer securely fitted.

Twisted or shifted shoes. If the shoe doesn’t sit flat against the hoof anymore, or if it has shifted so that parts of the hoof are exposed where they shouldn’t be, it’s time for a reshoe.

Missing nails. Shoes missing one or more nails are at risk of coming off completely, which can lead to an uneven gait or injury.

Changes in gait. If a horse starts walking differently, limping, or showing signs of discomfort while moving, it could be due to uncomfortable or ill-fitting shoes.

Hoof growth. As hooves grow, shoes may no longer fit correctly. Overgrown hooves can affect the shoe’s effectiveness and the horse’s comfort.

Cracks in the hoof. Visible cracks or damage to the hoof itself can indicate that the shoes are not protecting the hooves as they should, necessitating a change.

Noise. Unusual noises like clinking or increased hoof sound on hard surfaces can indicate that the shoes are loose or worn.

The Consequences of Neglecting Shoe Replacement

Neglecting to replace horseshoes at the appropriate time can lead to a variety of negative consequences for a horse. Here’s what might happen if shoe replacement is overlooked:

Hoof damage. Without timely shoe replacement, the hooves can suffer from cracks, splits, or excessive wear.

Lameness. Worn or poorly fitted shoes can cause uneven weight distribution, leading to strain on the horse’s limbs. 

Decreased performance. Horses with old or unsuitable shoes might not perform well. For performance horses, this can impact their ability to train and compete effectively.

Altered gait. Poorly maintained shoes can affect a horse’s natural gait. This alteration can lead to stress on the horse’s muscles, joints, and tendons, increasing the risk of injuries over time.

Increased risk of falls. A horse with loose or damaged shoes is at a higher risk of slipping or tripping, especially on hard or uneven surfaces. This can lead to falls that might injure both the horse and its rider.

Long-term health issues. Continuous neglect of hoof care and shoe replacement can lead to chronic conditions in the hooves and legs. 

The Reshoeing Process

The reshoeing process for horses is a meticulous procedure. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how it  goes:

Step 1: Cleaning and inspection. The farrier begins by cleaning the horse’s hooves and removing any mud, debris, or stones stuck in the hoof or old shoe. This allows for a thorough inspection of the hoof’s condition, looking for any signs of damage, disease, or abnormal wear.

Step 2: Removal of old shoes. The farrier carefully removes the old shoes using specialized tools. This involves prying out the nails and gently pulling the shoe away from the hoof.

Step 3: Trimming the hoof. Next, the farrier trims the excess growth of the hoof. This is akin to trimming nails and is crucial for maintaining the proper shape and health of the hoof. The farrier trims the hoof wall, sole, and frog (the softer part in the center of the hoof), ensuring everything is even and balanced.

Step 4: Preparation for new shoes. After trimming, the farrier files and smooths the edges of the hoof to prepare a clean, flat surface that will fit the new shoe snugly.

Step 5: Fitting the new shoe. The farrier selects a shoe that matches the horse’s hoof size, activity needs, and health. The shoe is heated in a forge and sometimes molded to fit the exact shape of the trimmed hoof for a perfect fit.

Step 6: Attaching the shoe. The shoe is nailed to the hoof. Farriers use special nails that are designed to go through the tough part of the hoof wall and bend outward, clinching them over the edge to hold the shoe without hurting the horse.

Step 7: Final adjustments and filing. Once the shoe is nailed in place, the farrier makes necessary adjustments to ensure the shoe is well aligned. The farrier may file down any sharp edges or points from the nails to prevent injuries.

Step 8: Quality check and clean-up. The farrier checks the horse’s stance and may watch it walk to ensure comfort and proper fit. The hooves are cleaned up once more to remove any filing residues.

Step 9: Post-reshoeing care advice. Finally, the farrier will give you advice on caring for the horse’s newly shod hooves.

How Much Does Shoeing a Horse Cost?

The cost of shoeing a horse can vary quite a bit, depending on where you are, what kind of shoes your horse needs, and the expertise of the farrier. 

On average, you might expect to pay anywhere from $100 to $250 for a basic shoeing job. If your horse needs special shoes, like those for correcting hoof problems or for specific sports, the cost can go up.

Also, if you’re in a region where there are fewer farriers, or if your farrier is particularly well-known for their skills, you might pay a bit more. 

How to Maintain Healthy Hooves Between Shoeing

Keeping your horse’s hooves healthy between shoeing sessions is all about regular care and attention. Here’s how you can keep those hooves in top shape:

Daily cleaning. Every day, take a few minutes to pick out your horse’s hooves. Use a hoof pick to remove dirt, rocks, and debris from the sole and frog of the hoof. This helps prevent infections and lets you spot any issues like cracks or thrush early on.

Keep them dry. Try to keep your horse’s environment as dry as possible. Wet conditions can lead to soft hooves that are more susceptible to damage and disease. If your horse does stand in a wet area, make sure to clean and dry the hooves afterward.

Regular inspections. While cleaning, inspect the hooves for any signs of wear, damage, or disease. Check the shoes too, to make sure they’re still secure and in good shape. If you see anything that worries you, don’t wait—call your farrier.

Proper nutrition. Just like good food keeps us feeling healthy, the right diet can strengthen your horse’s hooves. Make sure your horse is getting enough biotin, omega fatty acids, and other nutrients that support hoof health. Sometimes, a supplement can help, but talk to your vet first.

Moisture balance. Use hoof conditioners if your horse’s hooves are too dry, but follow your farrier’s recommendations. Over-moisturizing can make hooves too soft, while under-moisturizing can lead to cracks.

Manage exercise. Regular exercise is great for circulation, which helps hoof health. Just make sure the exercise area is safe and well-maintained to avoid injuries.

Role of the Farrier

The role of the farrier is critical in the care and maintenance of horses. A farrier is not just someone who puts shoes on a horse. They are skilled professionals who play a crucial part in the overall health and well-being of horses. 

Here’s what a farrier does:

The farrier trims and balances the horse’s hooves. This is essential for maintaining the correct hoof shape and function.

Farriers are trained to fit and nail horseshoes properly. The shoes are used to protect the horse’s hooves from wear and provide additional traction on various surfaces.

While working on the hooves, farriers also look for signs of hoof diseases, infections, and structural problems. Early detection by a farrier can prevent these conditions from worsening.

For horses with hoof or leg issues, farriers can perform corrective shoeing, which involves adjusting the way a shoe is fitted to improve the horse’s stance or gait. This specialized shoeing can help manage or correct the horse’s limb alignment and movement.

Farriers often advise horse owners on proper hoof care and management practices. They play an educational role, helping owners understand how best to care for their horses’ feet.

In cases of acute hoof problems, farriers provide immediate care.

What Type of Horse Shoes Are Available?

There are quite a few types of horse shoes available, each designed for different needs and conditions. Here’s a simple rundown:

Steel shoes. These are the most common type. They’re durable and perfect for general riding or horses that work on varied terrains.

Aluminum shoes. Lighter than steel, aluminum shoes are often used for racehorses because they help the horse move faster without the extra weight.

Plastic and rubber shoes. These provide extra cushioning and are great for horses that need more comfort, like those with sensitive hooves or those recovering from injuries.

Glue-on shoes. Some horses can’t have nails in their hooves due to sensitivity or damage. Glue-on shoes are a good alternative, sticking directly to the hoof without nails.

Corrective shoes. These are specialized shoes designed to help correct hoof problems or issues with a horse’s gait. They’re tailored to individual needs based on a farrier’s recommendations.

Seasonal shoes. There are also shoes with specific features for different weather conditions.

To Shoe or Not to Shoe Your Horse?

Deciding whether to shoe your horse isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. Here’s a simple way to think about it:

If your horse is active, like racing or trail riding on rough terrain, shoes can really help. They protect the hooves from wear and tear and give your horse a better grip, keeping your horse safer and more comfortable. 

But if your horse hangs out mostly in soft pastures or doesn’t do heavy work, it might not need shoes. Going barefoot can actually be good for these horses. It lets their hooves strengthen naturally.

So, think about what your horse does most of the day and where it walks. This can help you decide if shoes are necessary or if your horse would be better off without them.

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Are there alternatives to traditional horseshoes?

Yes, there are alternatives to traditional metal horseshoes. These include removable hoof boots that can be used as needed. There are also glue-on shoes, which are ideal for horses with sensitive hooves or conditions that prevent nailing. 

Can I extend the lifespan of horseshoes?

Yes, you can extend the lifespan of horseshoes with proper maintenance. Regular cleaning of the hooves and shoes helps prevent debris and chemicals from corroding the metal. Avoiding harsh terrain that excessively wears down the shoes can also prolong their life. Additionally, having your farrier regularly check and adjust the fit of the shoes can prevent premature wear.

Is shoeing horses painful?

No, shoeing horses is not painful when done correctly. A horse’s hooves are similar to the nails on human fingers; they do not have nerve endings in the areas where the shoe is nailed. A skilled farrier knows how to attach shoes without causing discomfort or harm to the horse.

How long can a horse go without shoes?

How long a horse can go without shoes depends on its activities, environment, and hoof health. Horses that live in soft, forgiving environments and do not perform hard labor might never need shoes. However, horses used for work or those on rough terrains may need regular shoeing to protect their hooves. 


So, there you have it—how often horses need new shoes is a bit like finding the perfect fit for your favorite pair of sneakers. Just as you wouldn’t wait until your shoes are falling apart to get a new pair, keeping an eye on your horse’s hooves is essential. 

Whether they’re trotting through trails or racing around the track, regular shoeing keeps them on their toes. 

So, next time you hear the clink of a horseshoe, remember the care and attention it takes to keep our hoofed friends happy and healthy.

Picture of Dr. Noman Tariq

Dr. Noman Tariq

Dr. Noman Tariq, a seasoned veterinarian with a DVM from ARID University and an MPhil in Animal Nutrition from UVAS, specializes in equine health. His deep passion for horse nutrition and well-being drives his work, offering invaluable advice for horse owners. Dr. Tariq's expertise ensures horses lead vibrant, healthy lives.
You can read my full bio here

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How Often Do Horses Need New Shoes?