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How Much Does a Friesian Horse Cost

Friesian Horse

You might be surprised to know a Friesian horse can cost as much as a fancy car. I’ve spent years around horses, and I get how exciting, yet confusing, it can be to think about buying a Friesian. 

There’s a lot to consider – like how much you’ll spend and what it takes to keep them healthy and happy. This article is here to clear things up, so keep reading.

How Much is a Friesian Horse?

On average, well-trained geldings cost between $25,000 and $30,000. However, if you’re looking for top-quality Friesians approved by the Friesian Horse Association North America (FHANA), prices can go as high as $47,900. 

The cost is lower for older or younger Friesians or those without prestigious titles. Typically, around $3,000 for adult mares, $5,000 for older ones, and about $6,000 for three-year-old geldings.

Friesian Horse Price Breakdown in 2024

Are you wondering why Friesian horses are expensive? Here’s the cost breakdown

Purchase price

Beyond the initial purchase price, there are extra costs like transporting the horse from the seller to your stable. 

Shipping expenses vary based on distance and how you’re moving the horse. This can range from a couple hundred to several thousand dollars.

Friesian horse ownership cost 

If you’re a first-time owner, registering your horse with the Friesian Horse Association (FHA) is something to consider. It’ll cost you about $100 to $200. 

The price depends on what you go for – a basic registration or something more detailed, like a full-papered or Star designation. It’s one of those first steps in the exciting journey of owning a Friesian. 

By covering these fees, you’re ensuring your Friesian’s pedigree is all set and recognized by the breed association. This means you and your horse can get involved in all sorts of fun events and even breeding programs. It’s also smart to keep your horse’s value up, especially if you’re considering selling or breeding.

Feeding cost

Feeding a Friesian horse involves a few things. 

  • Grass or hay is a big part of the Friesian diet. This can cost between $1,000 and $3,000 a year for each horse. Remember, the better the hay, the higher the price, but it’s key for their health.
  • Horse grain. Prices change, but, you’ll spend about $500 to $1,200 per horse yearly. Grain’s great for extra nutrients and energy, especially for young or active horses.
  • Supplements, like vitamins and minerals, might be needed too. These can add around $300 to $600 to your yearly bill.
  • Don’t forget treats like fruits and veggies! They don’t cost such a high price, about $50 to $100 a year.

All in all, feeding a Friesian can cost you from $1,850 to $4,900 or more every year. Younger horses or those in heavy training often need more food than older, less active ones. Good nutrition is super important for their health and how well they perform.

Vet care

Yearly vet costs are between $750 and $1,500 for Friesian, not including surprises.

  • Routine exams are your regular vet check-ups, costing between $300 and $500 a year. They’re key for keeping your horse healthy and catching any issues early on.
  • Need something like equine genetic screening? That’s extra, around $100 to $300 per test.
  • Farrier visits for trimming or shoeing fall from $50 to $150 every 6 to 8 weeks. 
  • You’ll need to budget about $100 a year for deworming. Vaccinations will depend on where you are and what your horse needs, usually costing between $200 and $500 annually.
  • And then there’s the unexpected. Emergency vet visits can vary greatly, from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the situation.

So, keeping your Friesian in tip-top shape is a part of the deal, but it’s all worth it for their health and happiness.

Equipment Supply Cost

When you get a Friesian horse, the initial gear can set you back about $1,810 to $6,360. Plus, there are ongoing costs for things like bedding and grooming. And hey, if you’re planning to race or compete, expect to spend more on specialized stuff like racing saddles and leg protection.

Let’s look at the basic equipment for your horse:

  • A solid bridle ranges from $100 to $500. Quality and materials matter here.
  • A saddle is super important for comfort. These can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $4,000, sometimes more.
  • For extra comfort and protection, saddle pads are $50 to $200.
  • Depending on your weather, blankets range from $100 to $300.
  • Think brushes and combs, averaging $50 to $100.
  • Halter and Lead Rope set go for $30 to $100.
  • Buckets and feeders add about $30 to $60.
  • Budget around $300 to $600 a year for bedding materials.
  • You’ll need somewhere to keep all these. A tack storage will cost you $100 to $500.
  • An equine first aid kit is around $50 to $100.

Do not shy off yet. Gearing up for a Friesian is quite an adventure, but it’s all part of the fun and responsibility of horse ownership.

Board Cost

Monthly board costs for your Friesian horse vary from $200 to over $1,000. It depends on what kind of boarding you choose, where you are, and the care they get.

If you go for stall board, where they have shelter and regular meals, it’s around $300 to $1,000 each month. Pasture board, which means more outdoor time and less cost, averages $200 to $700 a month.

Don’t forget the extras like feed, bedding, and turnout fees. These can add another $100 to $300 to your monthly budget. So, there’s quite a range, depending on what you and your horse need.

Aspects that Determine the Cost of Friesian Price

Several pivotal factors come into play to shape the value of Friesian horses. These key aspects include:

Type of Friesian horse

Full Papered Friesians, with their impressive pedigree records, are the high-end choice. They range from $25,000 to $50,000, sometimes more, due to their premium breeding.

Performance or show Friesians, those stars in dressage and other horse sports, can be pretty pricey. We’re talking about $20,000 to $40,000 for these skilled horses. It’s all about the training and wins they’ve racked up.

On the more budget-friendly side, Geldings are a smart pick. They typically cost between $7,000 and $15,000. They’re ideal if you’re after a Friesian companion for riding without the breeding aspect and associated costs.

Special designation

Horses that snag titles like “Star” or “Ster” from the Friesian Registry are pretty special. They show top-notch quality and stick to the breed standards. These Friesians are more expensive because they’ve proven they’re excellent.

These fancy titles are all about great lineage and spot-on looks. If you’re a buyer who’s all about the best of the best, these are the Friesians to look for. 

But remember, for that exceptional pedigree and quality; you’re looking at a higher price tag. Think in the range of $30,000 to $60,000 for these star-quality horses.

Breed rarity

Friesians are already a pretty rare breed, but some have traits or bloodlines that make them stand out even more. If a Friesian has unique features, like unusual markings or extra height, they can be worth more. 

This rarity adds to their charm and value. So, for enthusiasts and collectors, these special Friesians are real treasures. They often come with a higher price tag, reflecting their uniqueness in the Friesian world. It’s all about finding that one-of-a-kind horse that stands out in the crowd.


Friesians are known for being gentle and friendly, which makes them great for all kinds of riders. They can be worth more if they’re extra calm, easy to train, and cooperative. 

A well-behaved Friesian is safer and a joy to ride and work with. This boosts their desirability and market value. 

When you’re looking for the perfect horse, you want one you can trust and bond with. It’s all about creating a special connection that makes you and your Friesian shine together.


Geldings, which are castrated male horses, are more wallet-friendly than mares or stallions. They’re often chosen for their calm and steady nature, making them a good fit for many riders. You can find a gelding for about $7,000 to $15,000.

Mares, valued for their ability to breed, tend to be pricier. They can cost between $10,000 and $30,000.

Stallions, known for their impressive genetics, are the most expensive. They’re best for experienced handlers, ranging from $20,000 to over $50,000. Each type has its own perks, depending on what you’re looking for in a Friesian horse.


Black Friesians, with their classic look, are popular and often come with a higher price tag. They’re the traditional choice and a favourite for many. On the other hand, white Friesians, which are pretty rare, can also be more expensive. Their unique and striking coat color makes them stand out, especially if they have special markings.

Both these coat colors have a special appeal, catching the eye of many horse lovers. They’re top picks for those seeking an elegant horse with that wow factor.


Taller Friesians, standing at 17 hands or more, cost more than the smaller ones. Why? It’s because their size makes them suitable for various riding styles. Plus, bigger horses have that extra presence and versatility, which many riders love.

When picking out a Friesian, think about what you’ll use it for and your riding style. Size matters, not just for the price, but also for how well the horse fits the job or sport you have in mind.

They have a thick mane that may make the horse appear bigger, so it’s important to consider their actual height and overall build. 


Younger Friesians, like those under five, often have a higher price tag. They’re around $15,000 to $30,000. They’ve got lots of potential riding and training years ahead, plus they’re generally healthier, which means fewer vet bills for a start.

Older Friesians, especially those in their late teens or more, can be more budget-friendly, often priced around $5,000 to $10,000. They have fewer riding years left and might need more care, but they’re great for less experienced or leisure riders. These older horses still offer lots of companionship and fun riding times.

Buying a Friesian Horse

Buying a Friesian horse breed requires careful consideration of various factors. You need to know some of the essential insights and considerations for your equine. 

What to look for: Fresian horse characteristics

Size: Friesians stand out with their height, between 15 and 16 hands (60 to 64 inches). The perfect height for your Friesian depends on what you want to do with them. The taller ones are great for dressage and carriage driving, while the slightly shorter ones can be super for just riding around for fun.

Weight: These horses are strong and have some muscle, weighing about 1,100 to 1,300 pounds. It’s important to keep them at a healthy weight to avoid any joint problems.

Color: When it comes to color, Friesians are mostly black and have this beautiful, shiny coat. Black is the classic color, but guess what? There are rare white Friesians too. They’re getting popular for their unique look.

Temperament:  Friesians are known for being friendly and gentle. When you’re picking one, watch how it acts. You want a horse that’s calm, listens well, and has good manners. Steer clear of ones that seem too nervous or aggressive; they might need more work.

Where to Buy a Friesian Horse

Click on the ‘Businesses‘ tab.

Under this tab, you’ll find a section dedicated to horse sales. This is where the magic happens. We’ve got listings for Friesian horses, just waiting for a new home.

But wait, there’s more! We’ve also covered if you’re keen on specific breeders or extra services for your new buddy. Our site is packed with info on various horse-related services. 

And the best part? Each listing comes with specific details like location and contact info. So you can easily get in touch and find out more.

Friesian Horse Price Compared to Other Breeds

Friesian horse prices are higher than many other horse breeds. They have unique characteristics, such as their elegant appearance and gentle temperament. 

To illustrate this further, here’s a price comparison table:

BreedAverage Price Range
Friesian$20,000 – $100,000+
Arabian$5,000 – $25,000
Quarter Horse$3,000 – $15,000
Thoroughbred$5,000 – $50,000
Appaloosa$2,500 – $10,000
Andalusian$10,000 – $50,000
Hanoverian$15,000 – $75,000
Clydesdale$3,000 – $10,000
Gypsy Vanner$10,000 – $25,000
Percheron$4,000 – $12,000


How much does a Purebred Friesians cost?

A purebred Friesian horse cost from $20,000 and upwards. What makes the price vary? A bunch of things like how old the horse is, its training, family background, and even special traits like coat color and personality.

Younger horses, those with impressive family trees, and those trained in dressage or driving tend to have a higher price tag.

What is the lifespan of a Friesian horse?

Friesian horses stick around a good while and can live 25 to 30 years with the right care. Keeping them healthy with good food, regular vet check-ups, and a comfy place to live helps.

They tend to stay active and helpful for years, which is great if you’re looking for a horse buddy to be with you for the long haul.

How tall does a Friesian horse grow?

Friesian horses, standing tall at 15 to 17 hands, catch the eye with their size. That’s about 60 to 68 inches, or 152 to 173 cm, right at the withers – the highest spot between the shoulder blades on their back. They’ve got this perfect mix of strength, elegance, and flexibility for all kinds of horseback activities.

What is the weight of a Friesian horse weight? (1200 to 1400 pounds).

Friesian horses, known for their robust and muscular build, typically have a horse weight between 1200 to 1400 pounds. This horse’s weight can fluctuate due to factors such as age, diet, and exercise levels.

Maintaining an optimal horse weight is crucial for their overall health; deviations, either excessive weight or insufficient, can lead to significant health concerns, especially affecting the joints.

How much is a Caballo Friesian?

Caballo Friesian’s price ranges from $20,000 and upwards. Just like the purebred Friesians, the cost of a Caballo Friesian can change based on a few things.

Think about their age, how well they’re trained, their family background, and unique stuff like their coat color and personality. All these play a part in setting the price.

Read also: How Much is a Thoroughbred Racehorse?

Let Your Friesian Adventure Begin

So, when it comes to owning a Friesian horse, the price tag varies. Generally, you’re looking at a range of $5,000 to $50,000, depending on factors like age, training, and pedigree.

Maintenance costs like boarding, vet care, and grooming also factor in. While initial purchase prices may differ, ensuring a healthy and well-trained horse might involve additional expenses.

It’s essential to consider these aspects before making your decision. Ultimately, investing in a Friesian horse involves more than just the upfront cost—it’s about commitment and dedication to a magnificent equine companion.

Picture of Dr. Noman Tariq

Dr. Noman Tariq

Dr. Noman Tariq, a seasoned veterinarian with a DVM from ARID University and an MPhil in Animal Nutrition from UVAS, specializes in equine health. His deep passion for horse nutrition and well-being drives his work, offering invaluable advice for horse owners. Dr. Tariq's expertise ensures horses lead vibrant, healthy lives.
You can read my full bio here

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How Much Does a Friesian Horse Cost