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Can Horses Eat Sugar Cubes?

Can Horses Eat Sugar Cubes

Sugar cubes and horses—sounds like a classic match, right? You’ve probably seen riders rewarding their horses with a cube or two. 

But is it okay to feed them these sweet treats? Can something so small have any real impact on a horse’s health? 

In this blog, we’ll explore whether sugar cubes are safe for horses and how much is too much. 

If you’ve ever wondered about the best way to treat your horse, you’ll find all the answers here.

Can Horses Eat Sugar Cubes? Ket Takeaway

Yes, horses can eat sugar cubes, but only in moderation. Healthy horses can enjoy one or two cubes occasionally. However, horses with conditions like insulin resistance or laminitis should avoid them. For better health, offer them healthier alternatives like carrots, apples, or specialized low-sugar horse treats.

Are Sugar Cubes Safe for Horses?

Yes, sugar cubes are generally safe for healthy horses when given in moderation. 

Horses can enjoy sugar cubes as an occasional treat, but like with any sugary snack, they should not be overfed. 

Sugar cubes are high in sugar, which can lead to weight gain and dental issues if fed too frequently. 

For horses with certain health conditions like insulin resistance or laminitis, it’s best to avoid sugar cubes altogether. 

So, while they can be a fun reward, you need to keep it balanced and not overdo it.

Can Horses Eat Sugar Cubes

How Often Can You Feed Sugar Cubes to Horses?

You can feed sugar cubes to horses occasionally, but moderation is key. 

A healthy horse can enjoy one or two sugar cubes as a treat once in a while, but they shouldn’t be a daily indulgence. 

Overfeeding sugar cubes can lead to issues like weight gain and dental problems due to the high sugar content. 

For most horses, a few cubes a week as a special reward is fine, but it’s always best to balance treats with a healthy diet. 

If your horse has any health concerns, especially related to sugar, consult your vet before offering sugar cubes.

How Many Sugar Cubes Can a Horse Have?

A horse can have 1 to 2 sugar cubes at a time, as an occasional treat. 

Sugar cubes are small, but they still contain a fair amount of sugar, so you must not overfeed them. 

For a healthy horse, offering 1 or 2 cubes once or twice a week is safe. 

However, for horses with sugar sensitivities, like insulin resistance or laminitis, avoid sugar cubes altogether. 

Always remember that moderation is key to keeping your horse healthy while still giving them a sweet reward.

Nutritional Impact of Sugar on Horses

When a horse eats sugar, it quickly enters the bloodstream as glucose. This causes a spike in blood sugar levels. 

The pancreas then releases insulin to help the body use the sugar for energy. In healthy horses, this process works well. 

However, too much sugar over time can lead to insulin resistance. This means the body stops responding properly to insulin.

Excess sugar is also stored as fat, which can lead to weight gain. 

This is especially harmful for horses with conditions like Equine Metabolic Syndrome or laminitis. 

Additionally, sugar can promote bacteria growth in the mouth, leading to dental problems. 

Overall, while small amounts of sugar are fine, too much can harm a horse’s health.

Horses That Should Avoid Sugar Cubes

Some horses should avoid sugar cubes altogether due to health concerns. 

Horses with insulin resistance, like those with Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS), should not be given sugary treats. 

These horses have trouble processing sugar, which can lead to dangerous spikes in blood sugar and worsen their condition.

Horses prone to laminitis, a painful hoof condition often linked to sugar intake, should also avoid sugar cubes. 

Even small amounts of sugar can trigger or worsen laminitis.

Older horses or those struggling with obesity should  also stay away from sugary treats, as sugar can contribute to weight gain and metabolic problems. 

Always consult a vet if you’re unsure whether sugar cubes are safe for your horse.

Can Horses Eat Sugar Cubes

Healthy Alternatives to Sugar Cubes

There are plenty of healthy alternatives to sugar cubes that you can give your horse as treats. Some great options include:


These crunchy veggies are a classic favorite for horses. They offer a natural sweetness with much less sugar than treats like sugar cubes. 

Plus, they’re packed with fiber, making them a healthier option that’s still tasty.


Horses love the crisp texture and juicy sweetness of apples. While naturally sweet, apples have far less sugar than processed treats. 

Just be sure to remove the seeds, as they can be harmful.


Soft, mild, and sweet, bananas are a surprising but delightful snack for horses. 

They’re also a great source of potassium, which helps with muscle function and overall health.

Check out our other guide to find out the kind of bananas that horses can eat

Specialized horse treats 

These treats are designed with a horse’s health in mind. 

Many come in low-sugar versions, allowing you to reward your horse without the risk of too much sugar intake.

Hay Cubes 

Made from compressed hay, these cubes are perfect for horses that need more fiber and less sugar. 

They keep your horse occupied and are excellent for their digestion.


Low in sugar and high in fiber, pumpkin makes a healthy seasonal treat. 

It’s soft enough for horses to chew easily and can be served raw or cooked.

Interesting read: Can Horses Eat Canned Pumpkins?


If you’re looking for a low-calorie, refreshing treat, celery is perfect. 

It’s crunchy and hydrating, offering a fun texture without adding much sugar.


Horses love the refreshing taste of watermelon on a hot day. 

The sweet, watery flesh is a great source of hydration, though it should be served in moderation due to its natural sugars.

Sweet potatoes 

Cooked or raw, sweet potatoes provide a mildly sweet, fibrous snack that is filling. 

They’re packed with vitamins and minerals, making them a nutritious alternative.


Crisp and hydrating, cucumbers are low in calories and sugar. 

They offer a cooling, refreshing treat that’s perfect for warmer days or horses on restricted diets.


Sugar cubes can be a fun treat for your horse, but moderation is key. 

A few cubes now and then won’t hurt, but avoid making them a daily habit. 

Keep your horse’s health in mind and choose treats that provide nutrition without the extra sugar. 

If your horse has special dietary needs, consult your vet before offering sugary snacks. 

Remember, there are plenty of healthy alternatives that your horse will love just as much. 

Treat responsibly, and your horse will stay happy and healthy for years to come.

Picture of Dr. Noman Tariq

Dr. Noman Tariq

Dr. Noman Tariq, a seasoned veterinarian with a DVM from ARID University and an MPhil in Animal Nutrition from UVAS, specializes in equine health. His deep passion for horse nutrition and well-being drives his work, offering invaluable advice for horse owners. Dr. Tariq's expertise ensures horses lead vibrant, healthy lives.
You can read my full bio here
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Can Horses Eat Sugar Cubes?